Raising support for York Foodbank and Carecent

Dear Friends-in-Christ,

This is a note for those who couldn’t be with us last Sunday, and a reminder to those who were, that we are supporting the following charities during the Nativity period – from now until the end of December.

York Foodbank & Carecent York are in great need of the following –

Food items:
Dried milk, Long-life fruit juice / squash, Instant coffee, Teabags, Biscuits, Sponge puddings, Sweets / chocolate, Breakfast Cereal (all types), Tinned meat (corned beef, hot dogs and spam), Baked Beans, Tinned spaghetti, Tinned tomatoes, Sugar, Tinned fruit
Non-food items:
Cleaning products, Baby wipes/face wipes, Shampoo & conditioner, Shower gel, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Roll-on deodorants, Feminine products

There will also be cash collection box and the proceeds from that will be divided equally between:
Bundles of Joy York & International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).

At a time when the feast of Our Lord’s birth is often forgotten in the rush to waste money on costly gifts and over-eating please remember those of our neighbours who have so little – and give generously whatever you can, recalling His parable of the contribution of the Poor Widow (Mark 12:41-44)

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Your prayers, please.
Fr. Michael