This Month's Saints and Readings

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August 2024


“A FIRM and trustworthy basis for hope of the deification of human nature is God’s incarnation, which makes man a god in the same measure as God Himself became man. For it is clear that He who became man without sin can also deify nature, without transforming it into the Deity, raising it to Himself in the measure that he humbled Himself for man’s sake. Speaking of this mystery, the great Apostle says, ‘That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His Grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus’ (Eph. 2:7).“

St. Maximus the Confessor, + AD 662

“SO, rightly believing what we were taught, and understanding the mystery of the Lord’s Transfiguration, let us make our way towards the radiance of that Light. As we long for the beauty of unchanging glory, let us cleanse the eyes of our understanding from all earthly defilements, despising every delight and beauty that is not lasting, for sweet though it may be, it procures eternal suffering, and though it may enhance the body, it clothes the soul in that ugly robe of sin, on account of which the man without the garment of incorruptible union was bound and taken away into outer darkness.”

St. Gregory Palamas, + AD 1359

Fasting Guidelines:
On days designated strict fast we abstain from dairy products, meat, fish, oil and wine. Some seafoods, e.g. squid, crab, roe and prawn, are permitted.

Readings in bold type are those appointed by the Typikon for use at the Liturgy

Thursday 1st August 2024

Dormition Fast begins: wine and oil allowed
The Procession of the Precious and Lifegiving Cross of the Lord
Holy Seven Maccabaean Martyrs: Abimus, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusabonus, Alimus, and Marcellus, their mother Solomonia, and their teacher, Eleazar (166 BC). St. Timothy the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Priconissus of Peloponnesus. Holy Martyr Elessa of Cythera.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Rioch, abbot of Innisboffin (480). Holy Martyr Almedha of Breon (6th C). St. Kenneth the hermit (6th C). St. Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester (984). St. Peregrinus (643).
1 Corinthians 3:18-23; Matthew 13:36-43
For the Commemoration: 1 Corinthians 1:18-24; John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35

Friday 2nd August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Translation the relics of the Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople (428) and Translation of the relics (415) of the Righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel, and Abibus. New Martyr Theodore of the Dardanelles (1690). Venerable Photini. Blessed Basil of Moscow, Fool-for-Christ (1552). Hieromartyr Stephen, pope of Rome, and those with him. (257).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Etheldritha of Crowland, virgin (c.835). St. Sidwell, Virgin-Martyr (6th C). St. Plegmund, 19th archbishop of Canterbury (914).
1 Corinthians 4:5-8; Matthew 13:44-54

Saturday 3rd August 2024

Dormition Fast: wine and oil allowed
SS Isaac, Dalmatus and Faustus, Ascetics of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople (5th C). Holy Myrrhbearer Salome (1st C). St. Theoctistus the Wonderworker of Optimaton. Venerable Theoklites and Nun Theodora of Thessalonica. St. Antony the Roman, wonderworker of Novgorod (1147). Protomartyr Rajden of Georgia (457).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Trea the Recluse of Ardtree (5th C). St. Senach, disciple of St. Finian (6th C).
Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 9:18-26

Sunday 4th August 2024

Dormition Fast: wine and oil allowed
Tone 5 - Eothinon 6
6th after Pentecost, 6th of Matthew
Holy Seven Youths (‘Seven Sleepers’) of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblicus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine), and Antoninus (250). Holy Martyr Eudocia of Persia (362). Holy Martyr Eleutherius of Constantinople (4th C). New Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aitolia, Equal to the Apostles (1779).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Sezni of Sithney (c.529). St. Lugid, abbot and disciple of St. Comgall (609).
Romans 12:6-14; Matthew 9:1-8

Monday 5th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Forefeast of The Transfiguration
Holy Martyr Eusignius of Antioch (362). Hieromartyrs Anterus (236) and Fabian (250), popes of Rome. New Martyr Abbacum (Habbakuk) of Thessalonica (1628). Our Righteous Father Eugene of Aitola.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Oswald, King of Northumbria and Martyr (642). St. Gormcal, abbot of Ardoilen (1016). St. Abel of Rheims (c.747).
1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11; Matthew 13:54-58

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Dormition Fast: fish, wine and oil allowed
The Transfiguration of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
St. Theoctitus, bishop of Chernigov (1123).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Hardulph, hermit of Breedon in Leicestershire (7th C).
For the Commemoration: 2 Peter 1:10-19; Matthew 17:1-9

Wednesday 7th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
Martyr Dometius of Persia and two disciples (363). Hieromartyr Narcissus, patriarch of Jerusalem (213). Venerable Theodosius the New, Healer of Peloponnesus (862). St. Nicanor, wonderworker of Mt. Callistratus (1519) and David. Translation of the relics of St. Metrophanes, 1st bishop of Voronezh (1832). Venerable Elder Anthony of Optina (1865). Venerable Dometius of Philotheou, Mt. Athos (16th C). St. Sozon of Nicomedia. Holy Ten Thousand Ascetics of Thebes.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Donat (Dunwyd) of Llandunwyd, Glamorgan (6th C).
1 Corinthians 7:12-24; Matthew 14:35-15:11

Thursday 8th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
St. Emilian the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus (820). St. Myron, bishop of Crete (c.350). St. Gregory of Sinai and Mt. Athos (1346). New Martyr Triandaphyllus of Zagora in Thessaly (1680). Translation of the relics (1566) of St. Zosimas (1478) and St. Sabbatius (1435) of Solovki. St. Gregory, Iconographer of the Kievan Caves (12th C). New Martyrs Anastasios (Spaso) of Radovishte in Strumica, and Triandaphylos who suffered at Thessalonica (1794).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Ultan, abbot of Crayke (7th C). St. Ellidius of Hirnant in Powys (7th C).
1 Corinthians 7:24-35; Matthew 15:12-21

Friday 9th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Holy Apostle Matthias (c.63)
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
Holy Martyr Anthony of Alexandria (4th C). St. Psoi of Egypt (4th C). Glorification of St. Herman of Alaska, Wonderworker of All America (1970).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Phelim, bishop of Kilmore (6th C). St. Nathy, disciple of St. Finian of Clonard (c.610).
1 Corinthians 7:35-8:7; Matthew 15:29-31
For the Commemoration: Acts 1:12-17,21-26; Luke 10:16-21

Saturday 10th August 2024

Dormition Fast: wine and oil allowed
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
Holy Martyr and archdeacon Laurence of Rome (258). Hieromartyr Sixtus, bishop of Rome, and Martyrs Felicissimus and Agapitus, Deacons (258).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Gerontius (Geraint) of Gerrans in Cornwall and Magor in Gwent (6th C). St. Blane , bishop of Bute (6th C). St. Bettelin (Bertram) of Stafford (8th C).
Romans 12:1-3; Matthew 10:37-11:1

Sunday 11th August 2024

Dormition Fast: wine and oil allowed
Tone 6 - Eothinon 7
7th after Pentecost, 7th of Matthew
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
Holy Martyr and archdeacon Euplus of Catania (304). St. Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople (1515). Commemoration of the Miracle (1716) of St. Spyridon (348) on Corfu against the Turks. New Martyrs Anastasius of Asomaton in Asia Minor, and Demetrius of Lesbos (1816).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Attracta (Athracht) the Healer (6th C). St. Lelia of Limerick and Kerry.
Romans 15:1-7; Matthew 9:27-35

Monday 12th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Afterfeast of The Transfiguration
Soldier-Martyrs Anicetus and Photius of Nicomedia, and many with them (305). Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Comana (3rd C). Holy Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito. St. Pallamon of Egypt, instructor of St. Pachomius the Great.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Seigine (Ségéne mac Fiachnaí), abbot of Iona (652). St. Molaise (Laisrén mac Nad Froích) of Devenish (563). St. Janbert, 13th archbishop of Canterbury (792). St. Merewenna of Marhamchurch. St. Ust (Justus), hermit of Cornwall.
1 Corinthians 9:13-18; Matthew 16:1-6

Tuesday 13th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Leavetaking of The Transfiguration
St. Maximus the Confessor (662). St. Eudocia the Empress, wife of Theodosius the Younger (460). Empress Irene, tonsured Xenia (12th C). Holy Martyr Hippolytus of Rome and 18 martyrs with him, including Martyrs Concordia, Irenaeus, and Abundius (258). Uncovering of the relics of St. Maxim of Moscow, Fool-for-Christ (c.1547). St. Tikhon, bishop of Voronezh, wonderworker of Zadonsk and All Russia (1783). St. Serid (Seridos), abbot of Gaza (6th C).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Wigbert, abbot of Hersfeld and disciple of St. Boniface (c.738). St. Murtagh, bishop of Killala (6th C).
1 Corinthians 10:5-12; Matthew 16:6-12

Wednesday 14th August 2024

Dormition Fast: strict fast
Forefeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Righteous Prophet Micah (8th C BC). Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop of Apamea (389). New Martyr Simeon of Trebizond (1653). Translation of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Kievan Caves (1091).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Fachanan, abbot of Ross Carbery (c.600). St. Werenfrid, disciple of St. Willibrord among the Frisians (c.760).
1 Corinthians 10:12-22; Matthew 16:20-24

Thursday 15th August 2024

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
St. Macarius the Roman, abbot (1550), and his disciple St. Chariton. St. Christos of Ioannina.
1 Corinthians 10:28-11:8; Matthew 16:24-28
For the Commemoration: Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 10:38-42,11:27-28

Friday 16th August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Translation of the Icon ‘Not made by hands’ of Our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople (944). Holy Martyr Diomedes the Physician of Tarsus in Cilicia (298). St. Gerasimus, wonderworker of Cephalonia (1579). St. Timothy of Chalcedon, archbishop, founder of the monastery of Pendeli. Great New Martyr Apostolos of the town of St. Laurence, martyred in Constantinople (1686). New Martyr Nicodemus of Meteora (1551). New Martyr Stamatius of Volos, Thessaly (1680).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Armagillus (Armel), cousin of St. Samson (c.550).
1 Corinthians 11:8-22; Matthew 17:10-18

Saturday 17th August 2024

Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Holy Martyr Myron, presbyter, of Cyzicus (254). Holy Martyrs Straton, Philip, Eutychian, and Cyprian of Nicomedia (303). Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, and Coronatus, with others at Caesarea in Bithynia (250). Holy Martyrs Paul and his sister Juliana of Syria (3rd C). St. Alypius the Iconographer of the Kievan Caves (1114). Blessed Theodoretus of Solovky, Enlightener of the Lapps (1571).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. James the deacon of York (7th C). St. Drithelm of Melrose (c.700). Holy Martyr Hiero (Jeroen ) (885).
Romans 13:1-10; Matthew 12:30-37

Sunday 18th August 2024

Tone 7 - Eothinon 8
8th after Pentecost, 8th of Matthew
Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus of Illyria (2nd C). SS John (674) and George (683), patriarchs of Constantinople. Venerable Barnabas and his nephew St. Sophronius, monks of Mt Mela nr. Trebizond (412). Venerable Sophronius of St. Anne’s Skete on Mt Athos. St. Arsenios the New of Paros (1877). Repose of St. John, abbot of Rila (946).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Daig Maccairill, bishop of Iniskin (6th C). St. Evan, hermit in Ayrshire (9th C).
1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Matthew 14:14-22

Monday 19th August 2024

Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Great Martyr Andrew Stratelates (the General) and those with him (2593 soldiers) in Cilicia (4th C). St. Theophanes, New Wonderworker of Macedonia (15th C). Holy Martyrs Timothy, Agapius and Thecla, of Palestine (306). Venerable Theophanes of Docheiariou monastery on Athos. St. Pitirim, bishop of Perm (1456).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Clydog, king and martyr (492). St. Mochta, 1st bishop of Louth, Ireland (534). St. Credan, abbot of Evesham (c.780).
1 Corinthians 11:31-12:6; Matthew 18:1-11

Tuesday 20th August 2024

Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Righteous Prophet Samuel (11th C BC). Holy Martyr Luke of Bouleutos. St. Stephen (István), King of Hungary (1038). Holy Martyrs Heliodorus of Mesopotamia and Dosa, at Daskarta in Persia (380). Holy Martyr Photini, at the church of Blachernae.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Oswin, king and martyr (651). St. Edbert of York, monk (768).
1 Corinthians 12:12-26; Matthew 18:18-22,19:1-2,13-15

Wednesday 21st August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy (c.44). Holy Martyr Bassa of Edessa and her sons Theognius, Agapius, and Pistus (c.304). Venerable Abramius, archimandrite, Wonderworker of Smolensk (1220) and his disciple, Venerable Ephraim (1238). St. Sidonius Apollinaris, bishop of Clermont and hymnographer (480).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Moghtewe, abbot in Ireland. St. Eardwulf of Northumbria (c.808).
1 Corinthians 13:4-14:5; Matthew 20:1-16

Thursday 22nd August 2024

Afterfeast of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Holy Martyr Agathonicus of Nicomedia and his companions: Zoticus, Theoprepius, Acindynus, Severian, Zeno, and others, who suffered under Maximian (4th C). Hieromartyr Athanasius, bishop of Tarsus in Cilicia (275). Holy Martyr Anathusa (298).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Sigfrid, abbot of Wearmouth (c.688). St. Ethelgitha of Northumbria, abbess (c.720). St. Arnulf of Cambridgeshire (9th C).
1 Corinthians 14:6-19; Matthew 20:17-28

Friday 23rd August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
Leavetaking of The Dormition of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons (202). Holy Martyr Lupus, slave of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica (4th C). Venerable Nicholas and Dionysios of Olympos. St. Eutychius (540) and St. Florentius (547) of Nursia. St. Callinicus, patriarch of Constantinople (706). Holy 38 Martyrs of Thrace. St. Nicholas the Sicilian, who struggled on Mt. Neotaka in Eubœa.
British Isles and Ireland:
Holy Martyr Ebba (Æbbe) the Younger, abbess of Coldingham, and her companions (870). St. Tydfil, Martyr (480). St. Eogan, 1st bishop of Ardstraw (618).
1 Corinthians 14:26-40; Matthew 21:12-14,17-20

Saturday 24th August 2024

Repose of New Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia, Equal-to-the-Apostles and evangelizer of southern Albania (1779). Hieromartyr Eutyches, disciple of St. John the Theologian (1st C). Holy Martyr Tatian at Claudiopolis (305). Translation to Zante of the relics of St. Dionysius, bishop of Aegina, the Wonderworker (1624). Venerable Gerasimos of Cephallonia. Translation of the relics of St. Peter, metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1479).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Yrchard of Scotland, missionary (5th C). St. Bregwine 12th Archbishop of Canterbury (764). St. Patrick the Elder (c.450).
Romans 14:6-9; Matthew 15:32-39

Sunday 25th August 2024

Tone 8 - Eothinon 9
9th after Pentecost, 9th of Matthew
Holy Apostle of the Seventy Titus, Bishop of Crete (1st C) & the return of the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew from Anastasiopolis to Lipari (6th C)
Bishop Gortyne of Crete, disciple of the Holy Apostle Paul. SS John the Cappadocian (520) and St. Epiphanius (535), patriarchs of Constantinople. St. Patricia of Constantinople and Naples, nun (c.665).
British Isles and Ireland:
Translation of the relics of St. Hilda of Whitby (680). St. Ebba (Æbbe) the Elder, abbess of Coldingham (683).
1 Corinthians 3:9-17; Matthew 14:22-34
For the Commemoration: Titus 1:1-5,2:15-3:2,12-15; Matthew 5:14-19

Monday 26th August 2024

Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and 33 companions, of Nicomedia (4th C). Righteous Ioasaph, King of India. Venerable Adrian, abbot of Ondrusov (Valaam) (1549). St. Zer-Jacob, missionary in Ethiopia.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Ninian of Whithorn (432). St. Pandwyna of Eltisley, virgin (c.904).
1 Corinthians 15:12-19; Matthew 21:18-22

Tuesday 27th August 2024

St. Pœmen the Great (c.450). Newly-revealed Great Martyr Phanurius of Rhodes. St. Pœmen of Palestine (605). Righteous Martyr Anthusa. St. Hosius the Confessor, bishop of Cordova (359). St. Liberius, pope of Rome (366). St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine (387). St. Cæsarius, bishop of Arles (543).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Decuman (Dagan), hermit and martyr (706). St. Malrubius of Merns, Kincardineshire, hermit and martyr (c.1040).
1 Corinthians 15:29-38; Matthew 21:23-27

Wednesday 28th August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
Righteous Anna the Prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, who met the Lord at the Temple in Jerusalem (1st C). St. Moses the Ethiopian of Scete (4th C). Holy Martyrs Diomedes, Damon and Laurence. Holy Martyr Queen Susanna (Shushanik), Princess of Georgia (5th C). Repose of Blessed Augustine, bishop of Hippo (430). 33 Martyrs of Nicomedia. Uncovering of the relics of St. Job, abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev (1659). Synaxis of the Saints of the Kievan Caves whose relics repose in the Far Cave of St. Theodosius.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Rumwold (c.650).
1 Corinthians 16:4-12; Matthew 21:28-32

Thursday 29th August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
The Beheading of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John
Venerable Theodora, nun, of Thessalonica (892). Commemoration of Orthodox soldiers killed on battlefields. New Martyr Anastasius of Bulgaria and Serbia (1794). Translation of the relics of St. Joseph the Sanctified of Samaka.
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Sebbi (Sæbbi), King of the East Saxons and monk (c.694). St. Edwold (Eadwold) of Cerne, hermit (9th C). St. Velleicus (Willeic) (8th C).
2 Corinthians 1:1-7; Matthew 21:43-46
For the Commemoration: Acts 13:25-32; Mark 6:14-30

Friday 30th August 2024

Fast day: strict fast
Leavetaking of The Beheading of the Forerunner
SS Alexander (340), John (595), and Paul the New (784), patriarchs of Constantinople. St. Phantinos of Calabria (9th C). Translation of the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky (1724). St. Alexander, abbot of Svir (1533).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Loarn, bishop of Downpatrick (5th C). St. Fiacre of Brogillum (670). St. Rumon of Romansleigh, Devon (6th C).
2 Corinthians 1:12-20; Matthew 22:23-33

Saturday 31st August 2024

The Placing of the Honourable Sash of the Most Holy Theotokos the Church of the Virgin in Halkoprateia, Constantinople (395-408)
Hieromartyr Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (258). St. Gennadius, patriarch of Constantinople (471). St. John, metropolitan of Kiev (1089).
British Isles and Ireland:
St. Eanswythe, abbess of Folkestone (c.640). St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne (651). SS Cuthburgh (c.725) and Cwenburgh (c.735), abbesses of Wimborne.
Romans 15:30-33; Matthew 17:24-18:4
For the Commemoration: Hebrews 9:1-7; Luke 10:38-42,11:27-28

A copy of this calendar, suitable for printing, is available here in PDF format. For those with appropriate printing facilities a version is available here as an A5 booklet.

In developing the software to generate this monthly calendar we gratefully acknowledge our dependence on many sources, prominent among them being :-
For the synaxaria of the Saints: Michael Purcell (of the Saint John (Maximovich) the Wonderworker Orthodox Church, Atlanta, GA.) and his very impressive software program Menologion; and Father Andrew Phillips whose web site Orthodox England has, amongst its many jewels, a list of the Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome. Thank you, both – and Many Years!
For the ranking of the major commemorations and related guidance: The Typikon Charts published by the St Raphael Brotherhood of the Antiochian Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America.
For the matters relating to the Lectionary: The admirably detailed notes included in the Epistle and Gospel Lectionaries published by the Centre for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, Ca.; together with the annual Kanonion issued by the Phanar.
For the Fasting rules and many other details: The Antiochian Book of the Typikon as translated by Bishop Khoury and edited by Archpriest John W Morris.
Errors in the calendar will inevitably emerge, and for these we apologise. We should be grateful if you would inform us of any you discover.